Archive | August 2022

Cabin Cats

Daughter and I took care of these cats while we enjoyed several weeks at son’s cabin in the Berkshires.  Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they took care of us!

A delight!

Into the air they leap,

snatching frantically

at their bright pink plastic feather,

as though the fate of the cosmos

depended on their success;

or under the table they lurk,

their dark, sleek bodies a-tremble,

ready to pounce

on the tiniest of bugs,

a simple tuft of dust,

a tail, a ray of sun.

anything that might disturb

the order of their world;

they race, they pounce, they chase

whatever might be chaseable,

each other, if there’s nothing else,

so eager, so fully engaged

in all the joy of simply being alive.


A moment later, in the blinking of an eye.

they curl into balls of furry gray,

yawn and stretch their nimble limbs,

purr until they fall into a sleep

beyond profound,

dreaming away their yesterdays,

leaving tomorrow to tomorrow.


Other times, so wide awake, they sit transfixed,

little buddhas gazing into all that is, 

embodying all a yoga instructor

once tried to teach my restlessness:



full presence in each moment.


Sometimes I think I’d like to be a cat.